Welcome to OPS

We are one of the largest units at the Smithsonian Institution (SI) with over 850 employees. Our staff is dedicated to the mission of ensuring that visitors, staff, and collections are safe and secure, and our goal is to provide the appropriate security posture that will ensure that the Smithsonian collections are protected for future generations to enjoy. OPS Law Enforcement and Security Personnel work carefully on a daily basis to balance the safety and security of our visitors and employees with ease of access to the Smithsonian.
Whether it’s asking a question, reporting a crime, or seeking information on a lost and found item, this website will assist you. Thank you for your interest in OPS and the safety and security of the SI, and we welcome your thoughts and ideas on how to better serve you.
Mark Wallace, Director
Contact Us
Questions? Feedback? Comments? Ideas?
Tel. (202) 633-5650
Personnel Security and ID Office (PSIO) Questions
Tel. (202) 633-1598
OPS Watch Commanders
24 Hour Tel. (202) 633-9598
Smithsonian Facilities Help
24 Hour Tel. (202) 633-1560